Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bale Out

"When someone's stress level explodes to an epic proportion and a 5-minute f-bomb-laden tirade is unleashed on the unlucky soul who was in the wrong place at the wrong time -- much like Christian Bale on the T4 set." - Urban Dictionary

Yeah so if you didn't hear Mr. Bale apparently exploded in outrage after the director of photography allegedly fucked up a scene on the Terminator 4 set. Honestly, I don't care, I find it fairly satisfying to hear (Warning: There be f-bombs) him ream the guy out for messing up. I've been back stage, I know how tense theater and film can get... I can't even IMAGINE the pressure on a million dollar production like that.

What really amuses me though is the way that people are citing this as proof that Bale shoved his mother... like... really? It amazes me the connections people make these days... Connecting Rachel Ray's scarf to terrorism, or comparing what Obama's 1/2 brother WHO LIVES IN KENYA to Obama... like... what? I really think people need to like, take a step back and realize how ridiculous... and in turn funny this whole thing is.

I've long agreed with Lewis Black; if we lose our sense of humor as a country, we're done for.

- Vance

1 comment:

  1. I fear you've taken one too many classes of mine. Especially with that last line. I love it!
